Hold that Thought!

“I brought it to work and shared it with coworkers the very next day after reading it.” -Me (am I allowed to quote myself from my own review? Ha!) There is so, so much to love about Hold That Thought! By Bree Galbraith. It is artistic. It is thoughtful. It is relatable. And it hasContinue reading “Hold that Thought!”

The Name I Call Myself by Hasan Namir, illustrated by Cathryn John, published by Arsenal Pulp Press.

The Name I Call Myself by Hasan Namir, illustrated by Cathryn John, published by Arsenal Pulp Press. This book is such a sensitive depiction of a child’s journey discovering who they are. Ari is called “Edward.” But that name doesn’t feel right. In fact, a lot of their life doesn’t quite feel right, like theyContinue reading “The Name I Call Myself by Hasan Namir, illustrated by Cathryn John, published by Arsenal Pulp Press.”