The Aquanaut by Jill Heinerth, illustrated by Jaime Kim, published by Tundra Books

The Aquanaut by Jill Heinerth, illustrated by Jaime Kim, published by Tundra Books. The Aquanaut explores the adventure of the ocean alongside the adventure of growing into who you are meant to be. The success of this book comes in the call and response between the simple text and the outstanding artwork. We find outContinue reading “The Aquanaut by Jill Heinerth, illustrated by Jaime Kim, published by Tundra Books”

Albert’s Quiet Quest by Isabelle Arsenault

Albert’s Quiet Quest, by Isabelle Arsenault, is about a little reader who just wants to find the perfect place to enjoy his book. He finally spots a nook in the back alley where he can stare at a painting and let his daydreams carry him away. But… There’s the kids: The bossy kids. The rambunctiousContinue reading “Albert’s Quiet Quest by Isabelle Arsenault”

Happy Book Birthday to HUG?

Happy birthday to Charlene Chua’s brand new book, HUG? It hits the shelves today, and you can celebrate by learning more about Charlene and her book with this interview! If you are looking for a good book for your little ones about emotions or boundaries, this might be the PERFECT one for you.

Sneak Peek – Interview with Charlene Chua